
Tilling Rice Paddy fields near Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu

Opportunist crane flocks the tilling trail for worms.

Opportunist crane flocks the tilling trail for worms.

| Rice Paddy field tilling

Opportunist crane flocks the tilling trail for worms.

Rice Paddy field tilling

Rice Paddy field tilling

| Rice Paddy field tilling

Rice Paddy field tilling

Rice Paddy field tilling

| Rice Paddy field tilling

Rice Paddy field tilling

Opportunist crane flocks the tilling trail for worms.

Rice Paddy field tilling

Opportunist crane flocks the tilling trail for worms.

Rice Paddy field tilling

Rice Paddy field tilling

Rice Paddy field tilling

Rice Paddy field tilling

Rice Paddy field tilling