
Dandelion inspired design and engineering of systems

The name Dandelion ( Taraxacum officinale ) comes from the French 'dent de lion' , translates to

The name Dandelion ( Taraxacum officinale ) comes from the French 'dent de lion' , translates to "lion's tooth" referring to the plant's leaves that are toothed.

The name, Dandelion, is a corruption of the French 'dent de lion' meaning the "lion's tooth", referring to the coarsely toothed leaves of this plant.

The plant has very many descriptive names: blow-ball, doon-head-clock, cankerwort, witch's gowan,yellow-gowan, milk witch, lion's-tooth, Irish daisy, monks-head, priest's-crown, puff-ball, faceclock, pee-a-bed, wet-a-bed, swine's snout,white endive, and wild endive.

BIONICS INSPIRATION FOR ENGINEERING : The ability of dandelion seeds to travel as far as a kilometer in dry, windy and warm conditions, has been an inspiration for designing lightweight passive drones.

Dandelion seeds have a separated vortex ring (toroidal vortex), enabling aerodynamics in locomotion, weight reduction and particle retention in biological and man-made structures.

Researchers at the University of Washington demonstrated wind dispersal of battery-free wireless devices mimicking the Dandelion seeds that can float across a large area aided by gentle to moderate breeze.

Bionics, is a discipline focused on applying biological principles to the design and engineering of systems. This field aims to comprehend and replicate biological processes, structures, and functions to develop technologies that are more efficient and effective. In short, copy from the best source that are neither copyrighted nor patented!



The name Dandelion ( Taraxacum officinale ) comes from the French 'dent de lion' , translates to "lion's tooth" referring to the plant's leaves that are toothed.